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Post-Concussion Awareness

To truly protect ourselves and our loved ones from concussions, the Apex team uses ImPACT, a cutting edge technology developed to better understand our baseline neural functions. Then when all-too-common bumps, falls and collisions happen, our professionals know how to guide an injury back to a normal cognitive level. To learn more about initial baseline testing with ImPACT, click here.

We are here to help. Please call with any questions.


How to recognize concussions

Identifying signs, symptoms and behaviors of a possible concussion after an injury are vital in recognizing and managing head injuries.


Symptoms may worsen with exertion.
Athletes should not return to play until symptom-free.


Concussion Care


Action Plan

If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, you should take these steps:

• Remove the athlete from play, practice or training.

• Ensure that the athlete is evaluated by a trained health care professional who is experienced in evaluating and managing concussions.

• Inform the athlete’s parent(s) or guardian(s) about the possible concussion.

• Keep the athlete out of play until they are symptom-free, complete an ImPACT post-concussion test, have completed a Return to Play protocol and cleared by a health care professional who is experienced in the evaluation and management of concussions.


Red Flags

If any of the following signs/symptoms are present, take to the ER immediately!

• Can’t recognize people or places
• Increasing confusion or irritability
• Looks very drowsy or can’t be awakened
• Weakness of numbness in arms or legs
• Loss of consciousness greater than 30 sec

• Headache that worsens
• Seizure
• Repeated vomiting
• Unusual behavior change
• Slurred speech


The First 48hrs

• Get plenty of rest
• Hydrate and eat light foods to avoid nausea
• Avoid stimulating activity such as phones, TV, video games
• May take acetaminophen, but do not take ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin
• Get in for an ImPACT post-concussion test within the first 72 hours


get answers today

The ImPACT technology used at Apex is the most widely used, scientifically validated, computerized concussion management tool available. Contact us for an evaluation if you believe you may have suffered from a concussion.

Got questions or concerns? Contact us today.
