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What is a

This type of brain injury is a sudden jolting movement to the head caused by a collision or impact. This leaves the brain unstable and can lead to later consequences.

What should I do after getting a concussion?


Accidents Happen,
Know the facts


With a baseline evaluation, you’re covered when the inevitable happens because you know exactly what your child needs to once again be deemed safe to play.


What is a Baseline?

A baseline test is the new school approach to concussion management. A comprehensive baseline takes about 45 minutes and defines an understanding of your child’s normal brain function.

Now, when accidents happen we know how to accurately assess the injury and walk your child through recovery and rehabilitation. This brings your child back to a safe return-to-play status.


Concussion Management

Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) is the most widely used and most scientifically validated computerized concussion management tool available. Apex utilizes this crucial tool for finding a baseline normal before sports season starts and then referencing that baseline during concussion treatment.

  • FDA approved medical device

  • Science supported by over 250 peer reviewed and 145 independent studies.

  • Found in hundreds of clinics and hospitals around the world.

  • Industry leading database increases reliability and validity of testing results.


Avoid the Inevitable

Get a baseline documented for your child’s healthy brain function so you’re prepared when accidents happen. Call today to discuss this invaluable tool for protection against a common injury. Welcome to the future - this is modern concussion management.


Want more info? Contact us today.
